Council of Europe: Call for nominations for the Vigdís Prize for Women’s Empowerment

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe has issued a call for candidates for the first Vigdís Prize for Women’s Empowerment. The purpose of the Prize is to award remarkable initiatives in the field of women’s empowerment, enhancing their diversities. Every outstanding cause will be accepted for nominations, from achievements in gender equality and equal access to participation and decision-making to promoting women’s opportunities and helping them take their place in society, as well as actions to encourage inclusive policies and practices.
The Prize takes its name from the first woman elected President in the world. Vigdís Finnbogadóttir became the President of Iceland in June 1980 and she is an exceptional model of women’s empowerment.
Individuals or civil society groups, including national or international NGOs, associations and private companies that are promoting the above mentioned initiatives, can be eligible to participate.
To participate in the call for nominations, eligible candidates can send a letter and the nomination form, signed by at least five sponsors, to the Secretary General of the Parliamentary Assembly, by March 15th.
Following the selection procedure, the name of the Prize-winner will be announced by the President of the Assembly during a special ceremony to be held at the Assembly’s June part-session. The Prize consists of a sum of €60,000.
To learn more about the call for nominations, visit the following link