Council of Europe: ECRI meets civil society organizations and academia, Human Rights Centre, University of Padua, 17 September 2015

On the 17th September 2015, during its country visit to Italy, a delegation of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance of the Council of Europe held a meeting with civil society organizations and academia at Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua.
The ECRI delegation visited Italy in September 2015 in order to collect data and information and draft its fifth report on the country (the fourth report was published in 2011). The delegation was composed by Ms. Maria Elosegui, Mr. Fernando Ferreira Ramos, and Mr. Stefano Valenti (ECRI external relations officer). The delegation met representatives of public national and regional authorities, civil society organizations, and academia.
The following organizations, based in Veneto, joint the meeting at the Human Rights Centre:
- Associazione per gli Studi Giuridici sull'Immigrazione, ASGI-Veneto
- Padova Accoglie
- Avvocati di Strada
- Giuristi Democratici
- CGIL / Associazione per l’autogestione dei servizi e la solidarietà - AUSER “Cittadini del mondo” (Treviso)
- Centro Studi Immigrazione, CESTIM (Verona)
- Associazione Opera Nomadi di Padova
- Fondazione Leone Moressa
- Antéros
- Beati i Costruttori di Pace
- Rete Tante Tinte (Verona)
- Migrantes Padova
- Il Villaggio Globale Cooperativa Sociale Onlus
- Caritas-Migrantes/Ritmi e danze dal mondo (Treviso)