Defending Press Freedom in Times of Tension and Conflict - Annual 2022 Report

A new report “Defending Press Freedom in Times of Tension and Conflict” has been issued by 15 media freedom partner organisations to the Platform for the Protection of Journalism and Safety of Journalists of the Council of Europe.
The very first part of the report is dedicated to the impact of the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian federation on media freedom. The publication highlights the problems like silencing media, putting independent media correspondents in danger or spreading “war propaganda”. Having read the research, the Council of Europe Secretary General, Marija Pejčinović Burić, paid tribute to the journalists who, despite the risk, are reporting during the armed conflict to provide the public with first-hand information and reminded governments about their obligations to protect them, especially in times of war.
The report is divided into thematic and institutional sections and gives a brief summary of the major concerns in 2021, together with numerous recommendations. The report expresses particular concern about increasing judicial intimidation, the abuse of defamation lawsuits in order to silence media, the adoption of restrictive legislation and the erosion of the independence of public service media.
The number of alerts reported on the platform concerning serious threats to media freedom in Council of Europe member states increased by 41% in 2021, from 200 in 2020 to 282. Last year, 6 journalists died in Europe due to the exercise of their duties. By the end of 2021, 26 cases of impunity for attacks against journalists remained unresolved, and 56 journalists were in prison.
According to the Secretary General, media freedom faces many challenges in Europe nowadays, including the ongoing war in Ukraine and the Covid-19 pandemic. She notices that despite the improvements in certain areas in some countries, “there is a general trend towards erosion of these freedoms”; therefore, “we must redouble our efforts to defend the core principles of freedom of expression and media independence that are essential to our democracies”.