EIUC: European Master (E.MA) and Summer Activities

The European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation - EIUC, is pleased to propose its European Master Programme and the Summer Activities (Venice School of Human Rights and Venice Academy of Human Rights).
What follows is a list of the activities promoted in the A.A. 2011 - 2012 with essential information and links to specific websites.
European Master's Programme
in Human Rights and Democratisation (E.MA)
September 2011 – September 2012
Object: one-year interdisciplinary Joint Degree Master's Programme carried out by 41 European universities;
Aim: to educate professionals in the field of human rights and democratisation;
Contents: the programme offers an action and policy-oriented approach to learning about international relations, law, philosophy, history and anthropology of human rights and democratisation;
Participants: E.MA is open to EU and non-EU graduates;
Deadline for applications: 20 March 2011;
Links: Further Information; Watch the introductory video
Venice Academy of Human Rights
11 – 16 July 2011
Target: intensive one week programme for academics, practitioners and Ph.D./J.S.D. students;
Theme: "Human Rights and the Cosmopolitan Idea(L)";
Lectures by Professors: Boaventura de Sousa Santos; David Held; Yasuaki Onuma; Abdullahi A. An‑Na'im and Mary Robinson (former United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights);
Deadline for applications: 25 April 2011;
Links: Further Information
Venice School of Human Rights
30 June – 9 July 2011
Target: 10 days intensive programme for graduates students;
Theme: "Human Rights as our Responsibility";
Programme: After a common introduction students can choose between three different topics: "Human Rights and Business"; "Religious Freedom and the Rights of Religious Minorities"; "Human Rights Defenders";
Deadline for applications: 1 May 2011;
Links: Further Information