EIUC: Focus Seminar on “Public Health and Human Rights. Current Challenges and possible solutions”, Venice - Lido, 19 May 2016

The European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC) organizes a focus seminar on “Public Health and Human Rights. Current Challenges and possible solutions” on 19 May 2016, at the Monastery of San Nicolò, Venice - Lido.
The importance of public health is growing and this theme has a potential to become one most pressing issues in the future. For example, Millennium Development Goals (MDGs are: combat against poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, environmental degradation, and discrimination against women) all influence health and, according to the WHO, health influences all the MDGs. Connected to this is the issue of global health governance, which deals with the question how to regulate efficiently a panoply of actors in global health, such as international organisations, States, NGOs (including philanthropic foundations), private-public partnerships, pharmaceutical companies, individuals and others. Recently, a concept of global health law has been developed for the improvement of health worldwide. In this framework the protection of human rights occupies a vital place.
The one-day seminar will address current challenges and suggest possible solutions at the intersection of public health and human rights. It will include global, regional, comparative and national perspectives on the above issues. The nature of the seminar will be multidisciplinary and its three panels will include experts in areas of public health, human rights, global health governance, health security, mental health, right to health and other disciplines.
The seminar is open to all the people with a strong interest in the study of the link between Human Rights and Public Health. The application deadline is on 25 April 2016. For further information, please check the link below.