human rights

EIUC: Training for International Electoral Observers


Admissions to the two three-day modules (20th-22nd March 2017 and 23rd-25th March 2017) of the training seminar for International Electoral Observers promoted by EIUC are open until 12th February 2017.

Open and legitimate elections are the indispensable foundation for sustainable development and an effective democracy. Actions supporting the right to participate in genuine elections can play a major role in sustaining peace, security and conflict prevention. Support takes the form of electoral assistance projects and election observation missions. This requires skilled and trained observers.

The two modules are devoted to those applicants with no experience in election observation or to those observers who have participated to a maximum of two missions as short term observers. Lectures are conceived for an audience of graduates mainly in Law, Political Sciences, Economics, Sociology, Philosophy, Anthropology or similar who want to address international election observation from a multidisciplinary approach that will be useful in further engagements on the field. All courses will be held in English. It is, therefore, essential that all participants understand and speak English fluently.

More information about enrolment fee and accommodation can be found at the following links.



education human rights elections EIUC