EIUC: Training Seminar on EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, Venice, 8-9 April 2016

The European Inter-University Centre on Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC) organizes the Training Seminar on the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. The seminar will take place at Monastery of San Nicolò, Venice - Lido (Italy) on 8-9 April 2016.
The object of this Training Seminar is to explore the scope and usefulness of the Charter for the legal practitioners facing the national courts or the Court of Justice of the EU, mostly by means of preliminary reference. Beyond illustrating the features of the Court and essential aspects of its functioning, the training seminar will be dedicated to the analysis of relevant case law in parallel working groups with a view to allow discussion and exchange on specific concrete questions, among which privacy/data protection, internal market, asylum and immigration, economic and social rights.
The seminar will specifically focus on “Asylum and Immigration”, due to the far-reaching migration crisis that EU is presently facing. Participants have an overview of the European asylum system and the seminar fosters cross-border cooperation and networking among legal practitioners from all EU and non-EU countries involved in the application of the relevant national, EU and international standards. The participants have also an overview about the legal support offered by the EU on the application of the Charter and of documental sources for legal practitioners on the EU Charter.
Steve Peers, Professor of EU Law and Human Rights Law from the University of Essex, and Professor Jeffrey Kenner, from the University of Nottingham, are two of the Lecturers involved in the seminar.
Application deadline: 18th March 2016. For further information and application form, please check the links below.