EIUC: Training Seminar on “Human Rights and Environment”, Venice, 21-23 November 2013

The European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC) organises, from November 21st to 23rd 2013, a Training Seminar on "Human Rights and Environment: Synergies and Challenges".
The proposed training course, organised with the support and the collaboration of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and of the European Union, aims at integrating environmental issues and their legal tools with a human rights framework, with a new multidisciplinary approach that underpins the notion that the right to a healthy environment is just as basic as other rights.
The seminar, which will take place at the Monastery of San Nicolò in Venice, will be held entirely in English. It is open to officials from national and international organisations, NGO experts, decision makers and policy makers wishing to better understand how to integrate human rights and environmental issues in their daily work. The course is moreover addressed to participants and alumni of former educational programmes organised under the EIUC umbrella.
Deadline for applications is 30 September 2013.