EIUC: Training seminar on the “EU Charter of Fundamental Rights”, Venice, 6-7 February 2015

The European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC) promotes, from 6 to 7 February 2015, a training seminar on “EU Charter of Fundamental Rights” at the Monastery of San Nicolò, at the Lido of Venice.
The seminar aims at exploring the scope and usefulness of the Charter for the legal practitioners facing the national courts of the Court of Justice of the EU, mostly by means of preliminary reference. It will focus on the Charter’s values, as well as on the main fields of application when a specific appeal is submitted.
The seminar will provide practical trainings to judges, prosecutors and legal practitioners on the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, or more generally to professionals who can be confronted with different case law where EU Law applies.
A few places are still available to participate in the training course. Application deadline extended to 15 January 2015 and interested candidates should register by compiling the online application form.