EIUC: Venice Academy of Human Rights. Venice, 9-18 July 2012

The new edition of the Venice Academy of Human Rights, organised by the European Inter-Univestity Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC) will take place from 9 to 18 July in Venice (Italy).
This year the programme is dedicated to the topic The Limits of Human Rights. The Academy offers interdisciplinary (Law, Philosophy, Sociology, Political Science, Religious Studies) thematic programmes open to academics, practitioners and Ph.D./J.S.D. students from all over the world. It will include lectures by, inter alia, Martti Koskenniemi, Philip Alston, Henry Steiner, Friedrich Kratochwil, Seyla Benhabib, Bruno Simma and Erika Feller.
The Academy offers the opportunity to participate in high level lectures, seminars and workshops and facilitates exchange of views, ideas and arguments with leading international scholars and other experts. In this environment participants can also present and discuss their "work in progress" such as articles, theses, books, chapters of books or practical projects.
The deadline for application is 1 May 2012.
The European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC) is the main European Academic institution supported by the EU and formed by 41 European Universities. Among its major activities it organises every year the European Master in Human Rights and Democratisation (E.MA).