Europe for citizens, human rights, plural citizenship

Altinate- San Gaetano Cultural Center , Padua, Monday 4th november 2013- 3pm
Seminar organised by the Human Rights Centre- University of Padua
Antonio Papisca
Professor Emeritus, UNESCO Chair "Human rights, democracy and peace"
Luigi Moccia
Jean Monnet Chair “European Union Law and Institutions”, Director of the review "La Cittadinanza Europea", University of Roma Tre
Costanza Margiotta Broglio Massucci
Professor of Human Rights and European Citizenship
Marco Mascia
Jean Monnet Chair “Political System of the European Union” , Director of the Human Rights Centre- University of Padua
Auditorium of Altinate- San Gaetano Cultural Center, via Altinate, 71
The seminar is addressed to students, teachers, school directors. It is promoted in the context of the 9th edition of Pedagocical September “I have a dream…citizenship, differences, dialogue”, addressed to youth, parents and teachers to value the central role of the school in society. The Pedagocical Septemper is organised by Municipality of Padua- Department of Scholastic and Educational Policies, with the support of ANCI