European Court of Human Rights: Italian authorities failed to protect a drug-dependent victim of a child prostitution ring

On February 1, 2018, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) condemned Italy for violating articles 3 (right not to be subject to torture and inhuman or degrading treatment) and 8 (right to respect for private and family life) of the European Convention Human rights.
The ECtHR, in particular, has established that the Italian authorities have not acted with the necessary diligence in order to prevent the abuses suffered by a minor, suffering from addiction to alcohol and drugs, victim of a prostitution ring and a gang rape.
Indeed, the Strasbourg Court held that, although national criminal courts had acted promptly, the Youth Court and the social services had not taken any immediate protective measures, despite being aware of the particular physical and psychological vulnerability of the child.
The Court sentenced Italy to pay the applicant 30,000 euros in relation to the damage suffered and 10,000 euros in relation to costs and expenses.