European Master (E.MA): A.Y. 2009/2010 Graduation Ceremony and Opening Ceremony of the new Academic Year. Venice, 26 September 2010

On Sunday 26 September, at San Rocco Scuola Grande in Venice, the conclusive ceremony of the 13th edition of European Master in Human rights and democratisation (E.MA) was held.
During the celebration the Master's students received their diplomas and the best final theses were announced. Furthermore, the names of the 15 best students were disclosed; these students will have the chance to undertake an important internship experience, sponsored by the European Union.
After the celebrations, the Master's new academic year was launched with the participation of international personalities, as Horst Fischer, EIUC President, Laura Mirachian, Permanent Representative of Italy to the International Organizations in Geneva, Morten Kjaerum, Director of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), and Venice Mayor, Giorgio Orsoni.
The European Master, founded in 1997 by the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padova, is the most qualified advanced master’s programme on human rights promoted by European Union. It is run by the European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratization (EIUC) with the participation of 41 European Universities.