European Master in Human Rights and Democratisation (E.MA): deadline for applications 15 March 2015

The European Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation (E.MA) is the main teaching programme of the European Inter-University for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC), located in Venice.
Established in 1997 thanks to the vision of 10 pioneer universities, E.MA is the oldest Master’s programme supported by the European Union, which aims at preparing human rights professionals to respond to the operational requirements of daily work in international organisations, field operations, governmental and non-governmental bodies and academia.
The multidisciplinary E.MA teaching programme is articulated in two semesters. During the first semester the activities will be based in Venice, where students will attend lectures and actively participate in seminars and workshops, thematic clusters, skills-building sessions and project work. While studying in a multicultural environment, students will have the opportunity to be taught by leading academics, officials of international organisations and experts and practitioners of national and international NGOs. At the end of the first semester there will be a field trip to Kosovo, which will further provide students with the unique opportunity to gain first-hand knowledge of the challenges that a post-conflict setting poses for human rights and democratisation.
During the second semester, students will relocate to one of the 41 participating universities to follow courses in an area of specialisation of their own choice and to undertake personal supervised research finalised to the writing of their Master’s thesis.
Deadline for applications for the academic year 2015/2016 is 15 March 2015. Further detailed information on the requirements needed and the procedures for applications can be found at the links below.