Freedom House: 2024 report "The Mounting Damage of Flawed Elections and Armed Conflict"

According to the Freedom House 2024 report, in 2023, there was a drop and a deterioration in global freedom for the 18th year in a row. Just 21 countries saw gains in civil freedoms and political rights, while 52 saw decreases. The downturn was exacerbated by tainted elections and armed strife, which threatened freedom and brought about great hardship for people.
The erosion of rights and freedoms was fueled by pervasive election-related issues, including as violence and manipulation
Ecuador's status was reduced from Free to Partly Free due to violent criminal organizations interfering with elections, killing a number of political candidates and state officials. Incumbents attempted to limit electoral competition, obstruct their political rivals, or keep them from seizing power after election day in Cambodia, Guatemala, Poland, Zimbabwe, and Turkey. More competitive elections helped Thailand cross the threshold from Not Free to Partly Free, but a military-drafted constitution permitted unelected institutions to stifle the process of forming a new administration. The elected government of Niger was also overthrown by military troops, adding another coup to the Sahel trend and causing the second-largest score decrease of the year.
Armed conflicts and the looming threat of authoritarian aggression have eroded global safety and democratic principles
Across the globe, violent clashes, often instigated by authoritarian regimes, have resulted in loss of life, devastation, and posed serious threats to freedom. Nagorno-Karabakh experienced a significant decline in freedom, moving from a status of Partial Freedom to Non-Freedom. This shift occurred following a blockade and military attack by the Azerbaijani government, leading to the surrender of its separatist administration and the forced displacement of its ethnic Armenian inhabitants. The Kremlin's extensive military intervention in Ukraine persisted into its second year, exacerbating human rights violations in occupied territories and triggering heightened repression within Russia itself. Additionally, civilians suffered greatly from conflicts such as the Israel-Hamas confrontation, the internal strife stemming from the military coup in Myanmar in 2021, and the violent clashes between opposing military and paramilitary factions in Sudan.
The restriction of political rights and civil liberties in contested regions has led to a decrease in freedom across various countries, including some democratic ones
Entities like Beijing and the Russian government continued to suppress the freedoms of residents in places like Hong Kong, Tibet, and Crimea. While autocratic regimes primarily perpetrated repression, democratically elected governments, such as those in Israel and India, were complicit in violating fundamental rights in territories like the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and Indian-administered Kashmir. These actions threaten democratic principles and institutions within larger nations.
2024 is the election year
This year, voters around the world will be asked to embrace democracy despite the countervailing forces of division and exclusion. The results of these elections will shape the international environment for years to come. Citizens of South Africa will go to the polls this summer. India's elections will take place in a media landscape characterized by increasing legal attacks on freedom of speech and the press. The citizens of the United States go to the polls sharply divided. In June, the European Union member states will elect the president of the European Commission.The United Kingdom is likely to hold its first general elections since the completion of Brexit.
However, unity among free people and nations is crucial, as they are more vulnerable to authoritarians when alone. Democracies can only reverse the global decline in freedom by embracing inclusive principles domestically, aiding those fighting for democracy abroad, and fostering strong international partnerships based on shared values.
To read the report: