Human Rights Centre, 24 May 2010: Seminar "Civil Peacekeeping. The work for peace of the Nonviolent Peaceforce"

On Monday 24
May 2010, from 15.00-17.00, at the "P. Cancellieri" Library of the
Human Rights Centre, Via Martiri della Libertà- Padua, a study seminar
on the theme "Civil Peacekeeping. The work for peace of the Nonviolent
Peaceforce" will take place.
Gabriella Chiani, Nonviolent Peaceforce Worker in Sri Lanka
Luisa del Turco, Civil Defense Study Centre
Paola Degani, Human Rights Centre, University of Padua
The Seminar is promoted by: the Human Rights Centre - University of Padua; Nonviolent Peaceforce; Civil Defense Study Centre.
Nonviolent Peaceforce (Np) was created in December 2002 in Surajkund, India, and is an international nongovernmental organization in which about 100 organizations from all continents participate. The principle aim of Np is to create and dispatch international civilian peaceforces to zones of conflict, in order to cooperate with local organizations and reinforce their actions to prevent and transform violence in the area.
The Civil Defense Study Centre (Csdc) is among the founding organizations of Nonviolent Peaceforce and among the most active in Italy and Europe. Born in 1988 from a small group of people united around the ideals of nonviolence and objection of conscience, the Centre has the aim of spreading the culture and operative instruments of violence prevention and nonviolent transformation of conflicts in society at varying levels of social aggregation and operating at the local, national, european and international levels.