ILO report: World Social Protection Report 2020-2022

The recent International Labor Organization (ILO) report shows that the Covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated social security inequalities between high and low-income countries. To date, only 47% of the world population benefits from some social security measures, while 4.1 billion people (53%) do not have access to such measures in their country of origin.
Social security includes access to health care and income security, linked in particular to seniority, unemployment, illness, disability, accidents at work, maternity, and families with children. "We must recognize that more comprehensive and effective social care is not only essential in terms of social justice and decent work but also for a sustainable future," said Guy Ryder, ILO Director-General.
The report offers a global view of recent developments in social security systems in various regions of the world. It also refers to the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Specific measures aimed at promoting universal social protection were established on the global Call to Action held in June 2021 for a person-centred post-pandemic recovery. The agenda was unanimously approved by ILO member-states and by organizations of workers and employers.
For more information, please access the dedicated ILO website.