International Day of the Girl 2020: "My voice, our equal future"

Every year UNICEF launches an annual campaign with girls to amplify their voices and stand up for their rights on 11 October, the International Day of the Girl Child. This year’s theme “My voice, our equal future” aimed at seizing the opportunity to reimagine a better world inspired by adolescent girls.
On this day, girls come together online to celebrate their talents and accomplishments, focusing on the following demands to: 1) live free from gender-based violence, harmful practices, and HIV/AIDS; 2) learn new skills towards the futures they choose; and 3) lead as a generation of activists accelerating social change.
Girls are activists and advocates on the front lines of movements for social, gender and racial equality. They also call for urgent climate action and demanding space at decision-making tables in their communities, countries and beyond.
Twenty-five years ago, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action - the most comprehensive policy agenda for gender equality - was adopted at the Fourth World Conference on Women. In the years following, women pressed this agenda forwards, leading global movements on issues ranging from sexual and reproductive health rights to equal pay. Today, these movements have expanded. They are being organised by and for adolescent girls – girls from all walks of life who are boldly demanding action against discrimination, violence and poor learning opportunities.