International Workshop "Education to Intercultural Dialogue", 22-23 March 2011, Aula Nievo, University of Padua

In the framework of its thematic network activities on capacity building and curriculum development in the area of intercultural dialogue and multi-level governance the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence of the University of Padua organizes 22-23 March 2011 a 2 days-Workshop on "Education to intercultural dialogue". It concerns educational spaces and learning practices of intercultural dialogue in an interdependent world with a specific focus on concrete (learning) practices, tools and innovative processes of intercultural dialogue in education and training spaces, seen from a comparative European perspective. Special attention will be given to the role of education/training to intercultural dialogue, perceived as an integral part of civic education within a lifelong learning perspective.
On Tuesday morning March 22, Mr. Luc Van den Brande (former president of the EU Committee of the Regions and current special advisor to the European Commissioner of Regional Affairs) will deliver the public Jean Monnet Lecture on "Intercultural dialogue in territorial cooperation: an education perspective".
Among the speakers to the Workshop are Prof. J. De Groof, (Chargé de Mission to UNESCO for the right to Education and president of the European Association for Education Law and Policy), Prof. G. Fragnière, (former Rector of the College of Europe, Bruges), Mrs. Béatrice Taulegne (Director, Head Forward Studies Unit, Committee of the Regions), Mrs. Madlen Serban (Director, European Training Foundation, Torino), Mrs. Gisèle Evrard (Educational Advisor, EU-CoE partnership in the field of Youth, Council of Europe), Prof. E. Banús (Jean Monnet Chair, President ECSA World, Barcelona), Prof. Léonce Bekemans (Jean Monnet Chair, Academic Coordinator of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence of the University of Padua), and Prof. Antonio Papisca (Jean Monnet Chair ad honorem).
The Workshop takes place in the Aula Nievo and is open to the general public.