Istanbul Convention: the Italian Simona Lanzoni elected as member of Grevio

The Committee of the Parties to the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence - as known as Istanbul Convention - which met on May 4 in Strasbourg, has proceeded with the election of the members of the Group of experts on violence against women and domestic violence (GREVIO).
The GREVIO is an independent expert body tasked to monitoring and evaluate, through periodic reports provided by States the measures adopted by Contracting Parties with the purpose of implementation of the Istanbul Convention.
Simona Lanzoni, the Italian candidate which was elected as a member of the Group, graduated in Political Science at the University La Sapienza of Roma. She has always applied herself to the advocacy activities about human rights, with a particulr focus on the progress and advancement of human rights. She has ample experiences about designing, managing, developing, auditing missions and offering technical assistance about different forms of violence at different latitudes of the world.
Since 2002, she has worked in Pangea onlus – a local association of protection and promotion of women rights in Italy - under different task and role in Afghanistan, India, Nepal, South African, Rep. Democrat. Congo and Italy and has become the vice-president of Pangea onlus since 2012. In additional, she participated the drafting and presentation of the CEDAW shadow report to the UN in 2011 in NY, in 2012 the CSOs support to the UN Special Rapporteur on VAW that has made the Italian Report, in 2014 the drafting of the alternative report of Beijing + 20 (in network with other CSOs organization always), from 2011 up to 2014 the strong commitment to lobby the institutions for the ratification before and then the entry into force in August 2014.