Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policies: the new Guidelines on unaccompanied foreign Minors

On 19th December 2013, the Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policies has adopted the new Guidelines on unaccompanied foreign minors, by decree of the General Director of Immigration and Integrational Policies.
In an attempt of administrative simplification, the document, drawn with the contribution of the public consultations occurred from the 24th October to the 25th November 2013, aims at specifying the jurisdiction of the General Director of Immigration and Integrational Policies in relation to unaccompanied foreign minors.
For its finalization, it was also necessary to consider the latest readjustments of the regulatory framework on immigration, specifically art. 32 of the Consolidated Act on immigration, regulating the possibilities to convert the stay permit (law 129/2011), and law 135/2012, by which the Commitee for Foreign Minors is abolished and its functions are transferred to the General Direction on Immigration and Integrational Policies.
The latest survey, updated in November 2013, shows that in Italy the amount of unaccompanied foreign minors is of 6.537.