Italy adopts the first National Plan of Action against human trafficking and severe exploitation

The Italian Council of Ministers adopted the first National Plan of Action against human trafficking and severe exploitation, as provided for by art. 9 of legislative decree n. 4, 4 March 2014 (implementation of 2011/36/EU directive on preventing and combating trafficking in human beings and protecting its victims).
The Plan aims at defining strategies of action for the prevention and repression of human trafficking and severe exploitation and at improving social awareness, social prevention, identification and social integration of the victims. The Plan is a preparatory instrument for the adoption of a new comprehensive programme of identification, assistance and social integration (including modalities of implementation and financing).
The adoption of the Plan tackles systematic issues concerning the reorganization and optimisation of governmental action and intends to develop a comprehensive and coordinated approach grounded on synergies and cooperation among national, regional, local administrations and social private sectors ("multi-agency" work). Moreover, at the international level, the transnational nature of the phenomenon requires the Government to adopt instruments of cooperation and partnership with the other countries involved.