OSCE Special Representative for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings encourages Italy to continue and enhance anti-trafficking efforts

Last July 18th 2013 in Rome, the OSCE Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combatting Trafficking in Human Beings, Maria Grazia Giammarinaro, highlighted the innovative aspects of the Italian model of anti-trafficking action at the conclusion of her country visit to Italy, praising efforts to assist victims in partnership with civil society and saying that “Italy has been at the forefront of anti-trafficking action since the end of the 1990s”.
In her meetings, she highlighted that Italy has a strong legacy with regard to anti-trafficking legislation and practice, in particular in the field of victim assistance and the prosecution of the crime. What is needed now, according to the OSCE Special representative, "is a renewed effort to apply the most innovative aspects of Italian legislation and policy, such as unconditional assistance and social inclusion projects, and to put in place new measures to facilitate access to justice and compensation for exploited persons.”
During her visit, the Special Representative met with Pietro Grasso, President of the Senate; Laura Boldini, President of the Chamber of Deputies; Emma Bonino, Minister of Foreign Affairs, among others.
Giammarinaro also held a joint meeting with district anti-mafia prosecutors and law enforcement agencies specialised in the fight against organised crime, labour inspections and economic crime.She also held a meeting with civil society organisations and trade unions and paid a visit to a Centre for Identification and Expulsion (CIE).
In her concluding observations, the Special Representative called on the Italian authorities to re-launch co-ordination at the government level, and to establish a National Rapporteur.