Padua: 2011 edition of “Diritti + Umani”

The theme of the 2011 edition of “Diritti + Umani” is human security on the perspective of intercultural dialogue and environmental sustainability. The main objective is to disseminate and make aware the public of the human security approach.
The events scheduled in the “Diritti + Umani” programme will be giving an integrated and trasversal vision of the different dimensions of human security, trying to evidence the good practices of a concrete and effective intercultural and human security dialogue.
As always, “Diritti + Umani” proposes different modes of communication: until December 5th 2011 different artistic and musical performances, movies of the film review, discussions and meetings with the authors are planned.
The “Diritti + Umani” project was born in 2005 thanks to the partnership of five associations ADUSU-Associazione Diritti Umani – Sviluppo Umano, Acli, Adescoop-Agenzia dell'Economia Sociale, Centro Padovano della Comunicazione Sociale – MPX, Fondazione Fontana with the purpose of the promotion of a strong action of awareness on human rights in Padua. Up to now two more associations joined the project: Confcooperative and Lega Coop Sociale.
The project has been realized with the patronage of the Interdepartmental Centre on Human Rights and the Rights of Peoples of the University of Padua.