Peace Human Rights Political Agenda: the new book by Prof. Mascia and Prof. Papisca

Thursday 22nd September is the release date of the new book edited by Prof. Marco Mascia and Prof. Antonio Papisca of the University of Padua: Pace Diritti Umani Agenda Politica (Peace Human Rights Political Agenda)
The volume is published on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Perugia-Assisi March which was conceived by Aldo Capitini and took place for the first time on 24th September 1961.
Peace Human Rights Political Agenda intends to be an instrument to guide the readers, thanks to essays, appeals, and other documents chronologically ordered, through the fertile path of ideas and proposals for the tweak of the political agenda. The benchmark of this political agenda is the universal code of human rights and the democratic space where it should be implemented is the wide space from the local level to the international dimension of the United Nations.
The research has been carried out by the observatory of the Human Rights Centre of Padua that, between 1992 and 2007, has successfully interacted with the Coordinamento nazionale degli enti locali per la pace e i diritti umani (Italian National Coordination of Local Authorities for Peace and Human Rights) and with the Tavola della Pace (Peace Rountable), particularly as to the series of Assemblies of the United Nations of Peoples.
During these years, while many governments have pursued the neo-liberalism, the unilateralism, the 'easy war' theory and the subjugation of the United Nations to vested interests and to double standards, civil society organisations were strongly committed in outlining the strategy of the institutional way toward peace and in spreading universal messages of peace.