human rights

Ph.D Cycle 34: "Human Rights, Society, and Multi-level Governance", student’s thesis defense

Today, on July 13th 2022, our students from the Cycle 34 of the Ph.D programme defended their doctoral theses for the issue of the title “Dottore di ricerca - International Doctorate in Human Rights, Society, and Multi-Level Governance”.

The members of the Committee are:
Prof. Paolo Gubitta
Prof. Elena Pariotti
Prof. Magdalena Ratajczak

Student’s thesis are titled as it follows:

Abdollah Baei Lashaki: “Informational Determinants of Access to MEPs for HR NGOs: A Case Study of HR NGOs Covering Human Rights Situation in Iran”.

Svetlana Chetaikina: “ Rights, laws and norms: re-thinking international electoral standards”

Huihui Wang: “Patterns of Environmental Governance in China: An Analysis of Environmental Litigation, 2015-2020”


environment human rights NGOs / associations university China research elections Ph.D Programme


Human Rights Centre International Joint PhD Programme