Proposal for 2 intern positions for students of the MA degree programme in Human Rights of the University of Padua

An application call for 2 internship positions for students of the MA Degree Programme in “Human Rights and Multi-level Governance” is open.
Any internship consists of 225 working hours (9 CFU), distributed over the period October 2019 - March 2020. For each position, more than one student may be selected, doing their internships in successive periods. Intern positions are unpaid.
The first internship is at the Human Rights Centre “Antonio Papisca” (Via Martiri della Libertà 2), in the area of research and communication on human rights.
Tasks assigned to the intern include: updating institutional sections and databases of the website of the Centre (Italian and English versions); drafting news and news bulletin; managing the social media profile of the Centre and producing/editing media contents; supporting the staff for the organization of conferences and events. Proficiency in English is required; a reasonable command of Italian helps.
The second internship is at the Peace and Human Rights Office of the municipality of Padova (City Hall, via VIII Febbraio).
Tasks assigned to the intern include: supporting the staff in organizing the Human Rights Day (10 December 2019) and related events; collaborating in implementing the project “Padova, City of Peace and Human Rights”, aimed at promoting human rights, a culture of non-violence and peace, active citizenship and sustainable development in high school classes; assisting in implementing the project “Shelters Cities”, aimed at hosting in Padova human rights defenders from abroad. Proficiency in Italian is required.
To submit your application, please send a message to Ms Benedetta Bixio at:, with:
A) a statement of interest (in the body of the e-mail), in which you specify whether you participate in the call for Project 1, Project 2 or both, and your prospective availability in the coming months (days per week, preferred period, etc.)
B) a motivation letter of maximum 400 words;
C) your updated CV;
D) the list of exams you have passed, and the average mark.
(Documents B to D should be submitted as a single attached file)
Deadline for submitting applications: September 30th, 2019.
The selection process is based on the submitted documents and may include an interview by the staff of the Human Rights Centre or the Peace and human rights office of the Municipality.
For information, please contact:
Benedetta Bixio
Human Rights Centre “Antonio Papisca”
Via Martiri della Libertà, 2
35137 Padova
E-mail: b.bixio@unipd-it
Tel. +39 049 8271817