Quarterly ‘Pace Diritti Umani Peace and Human Rights’ n. 1/2009

It is available the new edition of the Quarterly (new series) of the Interdepartmental Center on human rights and the Rights of peoples ‘Pace Diritti Umani - Peace Human Rights’ edited by Marsilio, Venice.
Number 1/2009 contains, among other things, articles by Antonio Papisca, Arnaldo Farina, Ugo Cedrangolo, Suela Kusi, Paola Degani, Luc Van den Brande, Annalisa Pavan, Antonella Stelitano and, in the section dedicated to documentation, a dossier of contents and resolutions relative to the activities of the main bodies of the United Nations during the Israeli Offensive in the Gaza Strip (December 2008/January 2009) including a simulated Security Council resolution drafted by a group of students of the University of Padua.
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