Region of Veneto: a new regional law on violence against women has been adopted

On 10 April 2013 the Regional Council of Veneto unanimously approved the law “Regional interventions to prevent and contrast the violence against women”
By this law, the Region of Veneto recognises that any form of violence against women represents a violation of human rights which are fundamental for the life, dignity, freedom, security, physic and psychic integrity of persons.
Besides, the Region wants to promote the necessary care facilities addressed to women as victims of violence and to their children, by offering services in antiviolence centres, shelter houses or different structures where victims can receive reception and protection free from charge.
A further objective of the law is to encourage the creation of a regional network of services dealing with the support for women victims of violence, coordinating all subjects operating in gender-based violence, and involving the local authorities, through agreements between private and public social services, in order to foster a culture of respect.
The regional Councillors support the idea of putting into effect a policy of cultural prevention of the phenomenon and to start intervening in schools, universities and working places.
The law stipulates a budget of 400.000 for 2013, aimed especially at improving the above mentioned care structures.