Regional Law No. 55/1999: Annual Plans and Project Announcement 2010 on the promotion of human rights, culture of peace and decentralized cooperation to development

In accomplishment of the Annual implementation plans on human rights and a culture of peace and on decentralized cooperation to development, approved by the Regional Government of the Veneto, the Regional Department for International Relations, International Cooperation, Human Rights and Equal Opportunity published its Announcements for the assignment of benefits to those projects realized in accordance with the Regional Law 16 December 1999, n. 55 "Regional interventions for the promotion of human rights, a culture of peace, development cooperation and solidarity".
The Annual implementation plans, implement the Triennial intervention plans approved by the Regional Council, which provide objectives, strategic priorities, standards for the selection of the activities and instructions on the grant of fundings. Both these documents are carried out by two Committees established on the basis of Regional Law n. 55/1999: the Committee for Human Rights and a Culture of Peace and the Committee for Development Cooperation.
The recipients of these Announcements can be private institutions, non-govenmental organizations, voluntary associations, private schools, non-profit organizations, trade-union and entrepreneurial organizations, immigrant people associations of the Veneto which act on the subjects of the Regional Law n. 55/1999 and have all the required qualifications of their respective Announcements.