Special Commission of the Senate: hearing on the election of Italy to UN Human Rights Council

On Wednesday 15th June 2011, at 2 p.m., the special Commission on the protection and promotion of human rights of the Italian Senate had a meeting on the follow up of a research on mechanisms and levels of human rights protection, existing in Italy and at the international level.
During this session NGOs and civil society representatives could intervene commenting on the election of Italy to the UN Human Rights Council, on 20th May. In particular, participants were Carola Carazzone (Committee for the promotion and protection of humnan rights), Patrizio Noury (Amnesty International) and Antonio Papisca (Human Rights Centre, University of Padua).
The day after, the same issues were dealt with during the hearing of the under-Secretary of the State for foreign affairs, Enzo Scotti.
Established in 2001, the special Commission on the protection and promotion of human rights of the Italian Senate is in charge of studies, observations and initiatives on the protection and promotion of human rights internationally recognised.