The Committee of the Regions released the official records of the Ateliers 2010

The EU Committee of the Regions released the official records of the “Ateliers” which took place in Brussels in 2010 on issues concerning multilevel governance.
The Atelier of 22 June 2010 was particularly interesting because it was dedicated to: 'The elaboration of a European Charter on multilevel governance: a strengthened commitment to a multilevel democracy'. In this occasion, Prof. Marco Mascia presented a report on ' The political process of elaborating a Charter: challenges and opportunities' and Prof. Antonio Papisca on "The European Charter on multilevel governance: an opportunity to underline the ethics of subsidiarity for a new political culture.
The Ateliers, set up by the Committee of the Regions, are aimed at gradually establishing this institution among academic centres of excellence and the main European think-tanks. The Ateliers provide for a meeting place for academics and policy makers coming from different backgrounds, in which new concepts, points of view and ideas are shared and tested in order to integrate them in future European policies.