The European Master’s Programme (E.MA): Closing Ceremony of the academic year 2011/2012 and the opening ceremony of the new academic year. Venice, September 23rd 2012

On Sunday, September 23rd 2012, in the Scuola Grande di San Rocco in Venice, will take place the closing ceremony of the fifteenth edition of the European Master's Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation (E.MA).
During the ceremony, the Master’s students will be awarded with their diplomas and the best theses will be announced. Furthermore, the names of the 15 best students of the academic year, who will have the opportunity to conduct an important experience of internship financed by the European Union, will be made known.
Besides the Major of Venice, Giorgio Orsoni, several important personalities will take part in the ceremony, as Horst Fischer, President of EIUC, Luisella Pavan-Woolfe, Ambassador, Head of the European Union delegation to the Council of Europe, Jean-Louis Ville, head of the internal unit of the DG DEVCO in the European Commission. At the end of the ceremony, the new academic year of the European Master 2012/2013 will be inaugurated.
The European Master's Programme, created in 1997, as an initiative taken by the Human Right Centre of the University of Padua, is the most important and qualified post-graduated programme in human rights, promoted by the European Union. It is supervised by the European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC) and consists of 41 participating European Universities.