The Global Education Week 2021 (15-21 November) of the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe

From 15 to 21 November 2021, the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe will launch the new edition of the Global Education Week, which is held every year during the third week of November. It is a collective initiative implemented in partnership with organisations and citizens from a wide number of countries across Europe and North-South Centre’s member states. It represents an opportunity to celebrate and promote Global Education as a tool for world awareness, dialogue, solidarity and change.
Global education is a pedagogical approach that fosters multiple perspectives and the deconstruction of stereotypes and builds on a learner-centred approach to raise critical awareness of global challenges and engagement for sustainable lifestyles. It promotes development, human rights and intercultural education, education for sustainability, peace and conflict prevention, all being the global dimension of education for citizenship.
During the Global Education Week, schools, youth organisations, development organisations, local and national governments, faith-based organisations and other stakeholders come together to raise awareness about the importance of cooperating for protecting our world through a number of activities: live debates and talks, short-movie festivals, poster competitions, global lectures, workshops, social media campaigns and much more.
The North-South Centre’s work for the development of global education started in 1991 and led to the drafting of the Global Education Charter in 1997. Ever since, the North-South Centre has been contributing to global education advocacy and pedagogical support through a number of initiatives at institutional and education levels.