The Italian Data Protection Authority presents to the Italian Parliament its annual report

The Italian Data Protection Authority presented to the Italian Parliament the annual report on the activities carried out in 2015. The report underlines the importance of three main themes, namely: digital healthcare, cyber crime, online administrative transparency.
In his speech to the Parliament, the Italian Protection Authority shed light on the new challenges posed by the EU Regulation on the protection of personal data to firms, companies and public administration. These actors are called to review all their activities adopting a pro-privacy approach.
The EU Regulation on the protection of personal data (2016/679) came into force on 24th May 2016 and will be directly applicable in all member states starting from 25 May 2018. It regulates several areas, including: the increase of administrative penalties, the establishment of a data protection officer, data breach, the duty to communicate violations suffered, the right to oblivion, the establishment of a supervisor for data protection, the limits to the practice of user profiling.