Twenty years after the passing of Father Ernesto Balducci

On April 25, 1992 Father Ernesto Balducci, great pacifist and theoretician of the global citizenship and the institutional path to peace, died in a car accident.
The Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua gratefully remembers having him among its distinguished lecturers. In particular, the Centre remembers him on the occasion of the National Coordination of Local Authorities for Peace and Human Rights, held in Perugia in March 1991 (photo), in which he expressed his support for the proposal of the Human Rights Centre aimed to introduce the norm "peace and human rights" in the new Statutes of Provinces and Municipalities.
In the spring of that year P. Balducci led a RAI radio broadcast, dedicated to the theme of peace and structured in interviews with cultural figures, later published in the book "The Tribes of the Earth".