UN75 at the SDG Action Zone, 22-24 September

Over the course of three days during the UN General Assembly on 22-24 September, the SDG Action Zone will convene leading thinkers, actors, creators, and activists through frank debate, challenging discussions, inspiring showcases and interactive exhibitions to drive the exponential change so needed for people and our planet.
A fully virtual SDG Action Zone has the power to create a more transparent, open, and inclusive UN General Assembly. A combination of live broadcasts and online sessions, the SDG Action Zone will provide space for deeper conversations, collaboration and experiences on three core areas for accelerating action on the Goals: People, Planet and Partnerships.
The SDG Action Zone will bring together traditional UN constituencies, but also people that have never attended the United Nations General Assembly. Speakers will be experts in their field, leading figures and effective activists. These voices represent a wide range of perspectives in society including diversity across sectors, geography, gender, race, religion, cultures and more. They will be, national and local government representatives, young people, business, academia, multilateral organisations, civil society, activists, advocates, media, journalists, entrepreneurs, sports organisations, creatives, UN agencies, faith leaders, voluntary networks – movers, shakers, doers, connectors and multipliers.
Everyone is invited to participate and the registration is required.
The SDG Action Zone is the foremost collaborative space for engaging world leaders and emerging leaders to supercharge and accelerate solutions for the Sustainable Development Goals.
For more information, please visit the website of the program.