UNAR launches the National Observatory Against Discrimination in Sport

The National Observatory against Discrimination in Sport was born, thanks to the memorandum of understanding signed in Rome at the headquarters of the UNAR - National Office against Racial Discrimination of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. The document was jointly signed by the director of UNAR, the president of UISP - Italian Union Sports For All - and the vice president of the Lunaria association.
The UNAR director, Triantafillos Loukarelis, stated: “Sport is one of the places in the community where the values of respect and coexistence are transmitted. We want to break the wall of silence and trust the boys and girls who suffer discrimination to ensure that they do not feel alone and that these serious facts are no longer ignored. From September, we will build a network that starts from the promoters and also involves federations, research centres to work as a team and build networks ”.
"UISP decisively stated its will and commitment by combining the values of social cohesion with concrete actions for integration, peace and tolerance. UISP provides the Observatory with the opportunity to be present throughout the country, through its territorial network composed of 119 committees,19 regional and 16,500 affiliated sports clubs", said Vincenzo Manco, president of UISP.
“Sport is a place of good practices of social inclusion and respect for diversity, as founding values of democracy and civil coexistence” - says Duccio Zola, vice president of Lunaria.
The office for promoting equal treatment and repressing race and ethnicity discrimination, briefly named UNAR - National Anti-Racial Discrimination Office, is the office destined by the Italian State to guarantee the population the right of equal treatment, regardless their ethnicity or race, age, religious belief, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability.
UISP - Italian Union Sport For All - is a sports and social promotion association that aims to extend the right to sport for all citizens. Since 1948, the year of its foundation, UISP has affirmed the social value of sport, rights, the environment, health and solidarity.
Lunaria is a non-profit, secular, independent and autonomous social promotion association founded in 1992. It promotes peace, social and economic justice, equality and the guarantee of citizenship rights, democracy and participation from below, social inclusion and intercultural dialogue.