United Nations: Meaningful youth involvement in decision-making critical to sustainable future

The Secretary-General, António Guterres, recently emphasized the critical role of youth in realizing the promise of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In a policy brief he stated “A just, equitable and sustainable future for all will simply not be possible without the involvement of the world’s 1.2 billion young people”.
The report highlights that youth are a driving force for societal change, pushing for climate action, promoting gender equality, seeking racial justice, and demanding dignity for all. The report calls for expanding and strengthening youth participation in public policy-making and decision-making at all levels to identify new solutions for the breakthroughs that the world urgently needs.
Despite their numbers, young people remain almost invisible when it comes to participating in public policy-making and decision-making. The report identifies gaps and shortcomings and recommends actions to fill them. The Secretary-General stressed that the UN system has a critical role to play in supporting young people to be adequately prepared to participate in decision-making at all levels.
To ensure meaningful youth engagement in decision-making, the report recommends endorsing a global standard and establishing a national youth consultative body in every country. Other recommendations call for making meaningful youth engagement a requirement in all UN decision-making processes and adopting clear arrangements for youth engagement across the work of the General Assembly.
The Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth, Jayathma Wickramanayake, declared that the policy brief will change the game for youth participation in the UN. The brief proposes ideas that have been compiled from consultations with UN Member States and other relevant stakeholders, including more than 10 million young people from 194 countries who participated in two MY World surveys.
The proposals aim to ensure meaningful participation of youth at the UN and offer a historic opportunity to open up more spaces for them to participate at all levels. According to Ms. Wickramanayake, this policy brief represents a significant step forward in amplifying the youth's voices and empowering them to make decisions that matter most to them.
The UN is witnessing a massive momentum on the youth front, and this policy brief serves as a catalyst for change. The youth's opinions and concerns are essential to shaping the future, and the UN recognizes the significance of meaningful youth participation in their initiatives.