United Nations SDG Summit: Political Declaration adopted

The 2023 SDG Summit occurred in New York on September 18-19, 2023, marking the start of an intensified push towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. It is taking place withinthe High-level Week 2023 within the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly. The World leaders at the summit adopted a comprehensive Political Declaration reaffirming their joint commitment to eradicating poverty and hunger, addressing inequality, and promoting peaceful societies that leave no one behind. The adoption of this 10-page document took place at a critical time when global challenges such as armed conflicts, climate change, and the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic threaten the achievement of the SDGs.
UN Secretary-General António Guterres stressed the necessity for a global rescue plan for the SDGs, emphasizing the summit's importance as the SDG deadline is approaching, with only 7 years left to implement them.
Over the course of these two days, representatives from Member States, UN bodies, and civil society participated in plenary sessions and leaders' dialogues to assess progress and gaps in SDG implementation while outlining the path forward. The need to increase SDG financing emerged as a central theme.
The discussions were divided in:
Leaders’ Dialogue 1: Scaling up Actions to Accelerate SDG Progress
Leaders’ Dialogue 2: Building Resilience and Leaving No One Behind
Leader’s Dialogue 3: Game-Changers: Science and Technology
Leaders’ Dialogue 4: Strengthening Integrated Policies and Public Institutions for Achieving the SDGs
Leaders’ Dialogue 5: Strengthening the Multilateral System
Leaders’ Dialogue 6: Mobilizing Means of SDG Achievement
As the SDG Summit concluded, the Secretary-General called on world leaders to translate the Political Declaration into meaningful action and to invest in development efforts like never before.