United Nations: the ILO celebrates its 100th anniversary (1919-2019) and launches a news website to get closer to people

The International Labour Organisation (ILO), one of the first specialised agencies to become part of the United Nations system and aimed at promoting social justice and fundamental social rights in the world, celebrates in 2019 the 100th anniversary of its establishment, which took place in 1919 in Geneva.
For the occasion, the ILO launched the new interactive website "Our Story, Your Story" which aims to introduce past, present and future of the organisation to people.
The website dedicates thematic insights concerning, in particular: tripartism and social dialogue, rights and labour standards, equality and non-discrimination, employment, social protection, work and governance, working conditions, sustainable enterprises, the future of work.
On the occasion of the centenary, the ILO has also launched a new global awareness campaign in order to get closer to people, highlighting how the Organisation's work has improved the lives of people over the last 100 years. It is possible to follow the campaign on the social media platforms using the hashtag # ILO100.
The ILO is the sole United Nations specialised agency with a tripartite structure: governments, employers and workers establish together politics and programmes of the Organisation. Its main objectives are: to promote workers' rights, encourage employment in decent conditions, improve social protection and strengthen the dialogue on labour issues.
Further information are available at the links below.