United Nations: The UN Security Council needs a reform to end its “paralysis”

In this moment of continuous war and violence worldwide, the UN Security Council is unable to take decisions and act accordingly. “The UN seems paralyzed” as Dennis Francis, the president of the UN Security Council, underlined. He highlighted the strong need to structurally reform the Security Council; otherwise its work and legitimacy will continue to suffer.
The Security Council is struggling to keep up with its important mandate to maintain international peace and security. One glaring example is the fact that it took over five weeks and four unsuccessful attempts before the Security Council finally succeeded in passing a resolution on the Israel-palestine crisis.
This paralysis is really dangerous due to the different positions of the States. Member States should advance a Security Council reform to enhance its efficacy and reflect the diversity of today’s world. On this regard, UN Member States, including the representatives of the L.69 group of developing countries and the of the Arab Group, reiterated the urgent need for reform of the Security Council. They emphasized that the current SC structure, with an over-representation of Western Countries, does not align with the UN’s diverse composition and the current geopolitical situation.