Universal Civil Service at the Human Rights Centre: call for the project "a culture of peace, a lab for the future". New deadline: 20 February 2023
Update: The application deadline for the call for applications for Universal Civil Service has been extended.
The new deadline is 20 February, 2 p.m.
The Human Rights Centre of the University of Padova "Antonio Papisca" launches the new Universal Civil Service project aimed at 4 young people aged between 18 and 28.
The project, on the theme "a culture of peace, a lab for the future", is part of the Programme "Youth, Institutions and the University: links for social cohesion" promoted by the University of Padova, which foresees the involvement of 67 young people in 7 projects.
The project aims to contribute to the realisation of Goal 4.7 of the United Nations 2030 Agenda to provide quality education "aimed at sustainable development and lifestyle, human rights, gender equality, and the promotion of a peaceful and non-violent culture" and Goal 11.3 which promotes action to "make human settlements inclusive, participatory, safe, durable and sustainable".
In particular, the project aspires to develop and promote those knowledge and skills that are required to be citizens trained in the themes of human rights, peace and non-violence and capable of imagining and building a future of peace, promoting actions of awareness-raising, discussion and participation; skills, in a "learning by doing" perspective, to undertake innovative paths aimed at imagining and building a future of peace; initiatives and concrete actions in the area, involving local institutions, schools and civil society; ability to produce and disseminate multimedia content on the project's themes.
At the Human Rights Centre the volunteers will be involved in numerous activities such as
- organisation of events, training meetings, conferences and seminars
- organisation of the International Day of Peace (21 September), the International World Futures Day (2 December) and the International Human Rights Day (10 December), with the involvement of students, students and teachers from a partner institute and other high schools in the Veneto region;
- realisation of interventions aimed at high schools in the city;
- editorial activities for the online publication of content and documentation on human rights and the culture of peace;
- editing and updating social media channels;
- production and post-production of graphic and multimedia content;
- organisational, promotional and documentary support to study trips, peace initiatives and PhD activities.
Volunteers will have the opportunity to live an international experience at the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padova.
The call for applications is also open to all foreign citizens in possession of a valid residence permit at the time of application. A minimun knowledge of Italian is required.
The deadline for submitting the application is 10 February 2023, 2pm.
Information on the call for applications, the projects and the online application procedure can be found in the Universal Civil Service section of the University of Padua at the following link: https://www.unipd.it/bando-servizio-civile-universale