University Association of European Studies: Summer School “Crisis and relaunch of the EU. Perceptions and interdisciplinary approches, Venice, 12-14 July 2012

The University Association for European Studies (AUSE), has organised, from 12 to 14 July 2012, the 16th edition of the Summer School "Crisis and relaunch of the EU. Perceptions and interdisciplinary approaches".
The summer school has been designed to address, according to an interdisciplinary approach, the issues concerning the current crisis the European Union is facing, in order to find new ways to relaunch its leading role in the international community. The Summer School, which provided, among other things, different contributions of Jean Monnet Chairs Professors of Italian Universities, represented an opportunity for reflection and debate on the issues mentioned, from an historical, legal, economic, and political-related perspective.
The Summer School has been held in Venice, at the “Centro culturale don Orione Artigianelli”, with the participation of prof. Antonio Papisca, Jean Monnet Chair ad honorem, prof. Marco Mascia, Coordinator of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, and prof. Léonce Bekemans, Jean Monnet Chair on Globalisation and Inclusiveness in the European Union, University of Padua.
The programme of the initiative, in italian, is available at the link below.