University of Padova: signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Padova Human Rights Centre and the Guangzhou University Institute of Human Rights in China

On Wednesday 10th May, 2017, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed by Prof. Songcai Yang, Director of the Guangzhou University Institute of Human Rights and Prof. Marco Mascia, Director of the University of Padova Human Rights Centre. The ceremony took place at midday in one of the Offices of the Rector in Palazzo del Bo. The "Memorandum of Understanding" reinforces the partnership between the two Human Rights Centres in order to allow greater academic collaboration in the future.
The ceremony was introduced by Prof. Alessandro Paccagnella, the prorector of International Relations of the University of Padova. There then followed speeches by Prof. Paolo de Stefani, who will monitor the developments of the Agreement alongside Prof. Songcai Yang, and Prof. Giuseppe Giordan, coordinator of the Joint PhD programme in “Human Rights, Society, and Multi-level Governance”. A delegation of students and PhD candidates in International Relations and Human Rights of the University of Padova also participated, and one PhD student from Guangzhou University.
Prof. Paccagnella expressed his interest and full support of the University in a path of collaboration which will distinguish the process of internationalisation of the University of Padova. Prof. Mascia highlighted, amongst other things, how this collaboration between the two human rights institutions contributes significantly to the dialogue between the world's cultures who are active in producing new, shared cultural expressions. In particular, this dialogue has been recommended by UNESCO for the development of an authentic and universal culture of Human Rights.
The objective of the Memorandum is to further develop the already fruitful collaboration between the two Centres, through educational and research projects, seminars, conferences, summer/winter schools and MOOCs. Particular attention will be paid to the promotion and development of scientific contents, as well as bilateral exchanges of students, researchers and professors for common-interest activities.
The Memorandum of Understanding is part of a larger project of collaboration between the University of Padova and Guangzhou University. This project was announced a year ago upon the visit of a University of Padova delegation to Guangzhou in which Prof. Giordan participated in his role as the PhD Programme Coordinator in “Human Rights, Society and Multi-level Governance”.
Guangzhou University Institute for Human Rights was founded in 2004 and is currently the most prestigious Human Rights Research and Training Centre in China. The two professors who manage it, Prof. Li and Prof. Yang, are the authors of the first and most widely published Human Rights Manual in China.