University of Padua: beginning of the fourth course on Sport and human rights in the European Union's law - 10 October 2011

The course on Sport and human rights in the European Union's law organised by the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Padua, in the framework of the Jean Monnet Programme of the European Commission, will start on 10th October 2011.
Sport and physical education are excellent means to promote education, health, environmental protection, development and peace, as well as social values such as teamwork, fair competition, cooperation, solidarity and human rights. Sport initiatives can be instrumental in fighting against social exclusion, violence, inequality, racism and xenophobia. International organisations such as the United Nations, the UNESCO, the European Union and the Council of Europe adopted a number of declarations on the role of sport in promoting human rights internationally recognised.
The course Sport and human rights in the European Law is focused on the study of the relationships between the different rights which individuals - sportspersons or not - are entitled to, and on the study of the sport rules in the international and communitarian dimension. The course, at its 4th edition, will deal, inter alia, with the following issues: national and international legislation against doping, sport and economic rights, sport and discrimination, protection of sportswomen, health protection of the athletes, protection of minors in the European sports law, exploitation of child labour, Olympic Truce and right to peace.
The course is held by Prof. Jacopo Tognon, Italian lawyer at the Tribunal Arbitral du Sport in Lausanne, for the students of the Master's Degree in Institutions and Policies of Human Rights and Peace.