University of Padua: inauguration of the 799th academic year with the keynote speech of the UNESCO Chair in Human Rights, Democracy and Peace

The inauguration of the 799th academic year of the University of Padua will take place in the Aula Magna "Galileo Galilei" at Palazzo Bo on Friday, April 16 at 3pm.
Greeting by the President of the Senate of the Republic
Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati
Greeting by the Minister of University and Research
Maria Cristina Messa
Greeting by the President of the Conference of Italian University Rectors
Ferruccio Resta
Speech by the Rector
Speech by the Director General
Speech by the President of the Student Council
Keynote speech by Professor Marco Mascia, UNESCO Chair "Human Rights, Democracy and Peace"
Exiting the crisis: the compass of human rights and responsibilities
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