University of Trento - Call for the selections for the awarding of no. 2 research fellowships within the "Temporary Protection Project SAR-UniTrento"

The University of Trento (Italy) takes part in the international network "Scholars at Risks" (SAR), which aims at promoting academic freedom and at providing support for scholars worldwide who are in a life-threatening condition, or whose work is severely compromised.
Given the growing number of refugee and at-risk scholars who search for protection in universities based in the EU, the University of Trento has opened a call for 2 research fellowships reserved to academic refugees and at-risk scholars under the "Temporary Protection Project Scholars at Risk (SAR) - UniTrento" (Decree no. 734/2019/RET).
The call is addressed to non-Italian citizens in one of the following positions:
1. Possession of refugee status in Italy or in another EU member State;
2. Recognition of subsidiary protection status in Italy or in another EU member State;
3. Presentation of an official request for the recognition of refugee status or subsidiary protection status in Italy or in another European Union member State, and to be already recognised as an ‘at-risk scholar’ by SAR (SAR-status);
4. Residing in Italy or in another EU member state and to be already recognised as an ‘at-risk scholar’ by SAR;
5. Living in a non-EU country and to be already recognised as an ‘at-risk scholar’ by SAR.
The selection will be operated on the basis of: titles/qualifications, research project and, for shortlisted candidates, an interview. Interviews can be held via Skype, and will be indicatively held in the first half of October 2019. Selected candidates will be contacted by the 21st of October.
The contract will last 12 month, renewable for another 12 months and the gross total amount will be 25,000 Euro per year, paid in monthly rates. The University of Trento will provide selected candidates, and if necessary their families (spouse and children only), with free accommodation within its own structures for the entire duration of the contract. The starting date will be December 2019, or as soon as possible thereafter.
The deadline for applications is 30 September, 2019.
More infomation on the call in the files attached.