Complete list of events and updates



UNDP presented the 2013 Millennium Development Goals Report

The 2013 Millennium Development Goals Report presented by UNDP last July 1st reveals the huge steps forward made by Countries from...

Last update 9/7/2013
Poster of Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, with design and text.

Human Rights Centre: seminar on "The right to health and the role of Regional Ombudsmen"

“Citizen and right to health: the point on justiciablity. The role of Ombusdpersons” is the title of the public seminar...

Last update 4/7/2013
Young children working in a field in Indonesia.

ILO: new report on the struggle of domestic child labour

Contextually to the World Day Against Child Labour celebrated last 12th June, the International Labour Organization (OLI) has launched the...

Last update 4/7/2013
Photo on the subject of violence against women in East Timor. Black and white image of the faded silhouette and hand of a woman.

Italy: The Istanbul Convention on violence against women has become law

The Senate of the Republic has unanimously and definitevely approved the law of ratification of the Council of Europe's Convention...

Last update 3/7/2013
Palazzo Madama facade, Senato della Reppublica

The Senate of the Republic establishes the Special Commission for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights

Also for the XVII legislature, the Senate of the Republic has unanimously approved the establishment of the Special Commission for...

Last update 2/7/2013
New logo of the Anna Lindh Euromediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures, 2012

Anna Lindh Foundation: job opportunities in Alexandria (Egypt)

The International Secretary of the Anna Lindh Foundation offers job opportunities in Alexandria (Egypt). In the framework of the...

Last update 25/6/2013

Centre for Human Rights of the University of Padova hosts the Expert Editorial Meeting for the preparation of a Handbook...

Between 26 and 28 June 2013, the fifth expert editorial meeting in the framework of the process for the realisation...

Last update 24/6/2013
Sigillo dell'Università degli Studi di Padova

University of Padua: the Human Rights Centre becomes "University Centre” (Centro di Ateneo). Professor Marco Mascia named Director

With decree dated 11 April 2013 signed by the Rector Giuseppe Zaccaria, following the deliberations of the Academic Senate and...

Last update 20/6/2013
Logo 5th World Congress against the Death Penalty

5th World Congress against the Death Penalty - Madrid, 12-15 June 2013

The 5th World Congress against the Death Penalty, organised by Ensemble Contre la Peine de Mort (ECPM – Together against the Death...

Last update 11/6/2013
Photo on the subject of violence against women in East Timor. Black and white image of the faded silhouette and hand of a woman.

Italy: the Chamber of Deputies approves the Bill on the ratification of the Istanbul Convention on violence against women

On May 28th, 2013, the Chamber of Deputies has uninamously approved (545 votes on 545) the bill for the ratification...

Last update 6/6/2013
Logo Nesting Peace

GAMIP Summit: “Nesting Peace: Creating Infrastructures to Sustain Diversity”, Geneva, 16-20 September 2013

"Nesting Peace: Creating Infrastructures to Sustain Diversity" is the sixth Summit of the Global Alliance for Ministries and Infrastructures for...

Last update 5/6/2013
UNICEF logo, United Nations fund for childhood, representing a woman and baby silhouette inside a stylized globe

UNICEF: Presentation of the State of the World Children’s Report 2013, Human Rights Centre, 30 May 2013

Thursday 30 May 2013 at noon UNICEF Veneto will present, at the Human Rights Centre of the University of...

Last update 24/5/2013
New logo of the Anna Lindh Euromediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures, 2012

Five days for the Mediterranean communities. 21-25 May 2013

The Five days for the Mediterranean communities takes place in Forte Marghera (Venice) from 21 to 25 May 2013....

Last update 22/5/2013
Photo taken at the concert: "Musiche per una professione di pace," or Music for a Profession of Peace. Venice, St. Mark's Basilica, 23 May 1991. In the photo one can observe the conductor directing the orchestra.

Musicians for Human Rights: concert-show on the theme “The right to asylum and citizenship”. Rome, 17 May 2013

The movement Musicians for Human Rights (MFHR), organises in collaboration with the Italian Ministry of education, university and research (MIUR),...

Last update 16/5/2013
Nimba county prison inmate looks through a window of a cell, Liberia, 2008

Council of Europe: a survey highlights the problem of prison overcrowding in Italy and in Europe

The Council of Europe has published its 2011 penal statistics survey (SPACE I). The report, written every year by the...

Last update 15/5/2013