OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities

OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities was established in 1992 with the aim of identifying and, as far as possible, averting situations of ethnic tensions in OSCE region that might endanger peace, stability and friendly relations within or between OSCE States.

Their mission is twofold: on the one hand to contain and diminish the intensity of the tensions in member states and on the other hand alert the Organisation where such tensions threaten to reach a level at which the High Commissioner cannot contain them with the means at his disposal. They fulfil their mandate by gathering information on the situation of national minorities from any source, including non-governmental organisations and the media, assessing the data obtained and the role of the parties concerned. In the course of its investigations, it may conduct on-site visits to any OSCE Member State in order to ascertain the facts and promote dialogue between the parties.
